sources.list for debian sid source code

Cameron Hutchison camh at
Sat Jun 17 04:33:06 UTC 2006

ben wrote:

>Cameron Hutchison <lists at> wrote:

>> I'm trying to figure out how to set up my /etc/apt/sources.list so
>> that I can add a deb-src line for Debian unstable. But I only want to
>> fetch sources from that source when explicitly specified.
>> So if I do an
>> $ apt-get source foo
>> it should pull the sources for foo from dapper sources (as I currently
>> habe it set up).
>> I'd like to do
>> $ apt-get source xterm/sid
>> or something like that to get the sources for xterm from Debian sid.
>> I want to be able to selectively backport sources from debian
>> unstable. At the moment I only need to do this with xterm (xterm-208
>> in dapper has a bug that affects me that was fixed in xterm-210) -
>> and I understand the potential problems that may arise given that
>> Ubuntu is not Debian.

>sudo apt-get source -t sid xterm

That does it, after adding:
APT::Default-Release "dapper";
to my /etc/apt/apt.conf and the deb-src line to my sources.list


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