quick apt command help...(ubuntu rant?)

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Jun 15 17:05:25 UTC 2006

ZephyrQ wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
> When I tried to compile gphoto2 directly, I could not because I didn't
> have the compiler (sudo ./configure bailed).

sudo aptitude install build-essential

> Excuse the rant, [/rant on/]but I have *never* had to go to Windows to
> accomplish something as simple as installing firmware...and now I will

I would hardly call installing firmware simple.  You're asking a PC to
update the "operating system" of another device - something that's
remarkably complicated. 

> My buddy who uses SuSE is now laughing at me.  

If it's so simple on SuSE, why didn't _he_ do it for you?

> I have not been able to get *any* program to read the T10 for me to
> install the firmware I have downloaded, and I cannot get the latest
> greatest ghoto2 without jumping through hoops I don't have time to jump
> through (installing dapper for the 2nd time, first time failed; etc.)

I don't know why you'd blame dapper for the fact that if it didn't work the
first time you installed it, it still didn't work the second.  That may
work with Windows, but we strive for repeatability here.

I gave you what you asked for (_which_ your buddy with SuSE couldn't have
done any more easily), but it isn't really what you wanted.

Install build-essential.

Grab the Debian _source_ (not the binary) for gphoto2 (assuming it really is
the version you need).  Then use that to build the binary on your system. 
That way you get the Debian-latest gphoto2 but with dependencies on Ubuntu

If the debian source isn't really the latest, the "./configure; make; make
install" method should work once you have build-essential, anyway.

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