Dapper upgrade hangs - what to do?

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Thu Jun 15 07:49:09 UTC 2006

jean-ooo at taming-openoffice-org.com wrote:
> Hmmm... I can't find how to do cancel the process. :-( I am on a window 
> titled "Upgrading Ubuntu", which has no "Cancel" button and no "X" in 
> the upper-right corner.

I'll show you how. Open a terminal. Position the terminal so that you 
can still see some of the update manager window. Then on the terminal, 
type "xkill". The mouse pointer turns into a skull. The next time you 
click on any window, that program gets killed. Click anywhere on the 
update manager window.


  "He he. Maybe the problem is with the left mouse button :)"
   -- Daniel on IRC after 5 hours trying to figure out
      why nothing worked on his thin client... (it was)

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