Need help with iRiver T10 with Breezy!

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Wed Jun 14 14:55:31 UTC 2006

On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 14:36:09 +0200
Alan McKinnon <alan at> wrote:

> What errors are you getting? It's unlikely to be a missing build tool, 
> more likely it's missing -dev packages as described above. Once 
> again, if you are going to venture into compilation territory, the 
> package manager cannot help you much here so you will have to do some 
> manual dependency fixing.

While this will not help in all cases, if you are compiling a newer version
of an existing packaged app, it can save a lot of time to run

sudo apt-get build-dep <nameofpackage>

For instance, the versions of fluxbox that were in hoary and breezy had a
bug that was solved either by a ./configure option ( --disable-xmb ) or by
compiling the  0.9.14 version of fluxbox, or above.

sudo apt-get build-dep fluxbox

pulled in the required -dev libs etc and made compling it quite painless.

Of course, if the -dev dependencies have changed, this won't solve all
problems, but it is a good starting point and saves a lot of trouble.


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