Two instances of OpenOffice on thin clients.

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Wed Jun 14 08:17:19 UTC 2006

Alan McKinnon wrote:
> That sounds like a neat workaround, pity about the problem it caused 
> you :-)

Only OpenOffice really...

> I take it you have usernames like grade 1 and grade2?

Yes. year1, year2, etc. (In the UK they call them "year 1" etc.).

> Would it really 
> be a problem to create 40-odd new users once at the beginning of each 
> year with usernames like grade1.bill and grade1.mary?

More like 500 each year, since all the year 1 kids would go to year 2, 
plus I'd have to delete 450 users. If I'm going to do that I might as 
well just create regular accounts for each pupil (MaryJ).

As for this solution, I'm more concerned about the work for me than the 
work for the teacher. Besides typing 500 names, it'd mean configuring 
500 accounts. If I manage to install sabayon, this should become much 
easier, but still possibly problematic (I haven't managed to get on the 
internet with the server, so I can't download sabayon). If I manage to 
get a remote X connection it would become much more doable (this school 
is a 1h drive away, and I don't feel comfortable driving a standard car 
on the wrong side of the road with the stick on my left hand - so 
someone else drives me).

Do you have any tips for adding 500 users? It'd be nice if I could put 
them all in a CSV file and say "create users with these names and give 
them this sabayon setup".

> Doesn't look like it'll be much of a problem - in my experience one of 
> the first things kiddies learn to write and type is their own name.

Even if it did, you can easily sell it as a teaching tool ("If you want 
to play these games you have to learn how to write your name").

"It's like a rainbow. Without an observer at a 23 degree angle to
the light reflected a cloud of spherical droplets, there is no
rainbow. The whole universe is like that. Our spirits stand at a
23 degree to the universe."  -- Zoya Boone, Red Mars

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