Need help with iRiver T10 with Breezy!

Matthew Palmer mpalmer at
Tue Jun 13 03:56:44 UTC 2006

On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 06:14:14PM -0500, ZephyrQ wrote:
> 	Device manager reads the device, but I cannot/do not remember how to 
> mount it...and I need to upgrade the firmware to convert it from a MTP 
> to UMS device so linux can read and put files on it.

Ouch.  I hate it when that happens.  Luckily, my T30 was UMS from the start. 
I don't know if it'll help, but there's a couple of packages that mention
iRiver (suck as ifp-line), they mention the iFP series in particular, but
your device may be compatible as well.

Good luck!

- Matt

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