Difference between Spatial/Browser modes in Nautilus

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Mon Jun 12 17:54:10 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 03:10 -0500, Albert Wagner wrote:
> Can I assume that the spatial feature 
> works for you?  On Dapper?

It does, if I disable System > Preferences > File Management > Behavior
> Always open in Browser windows.

> The link is somewhat dated (2004). How did you configure Nautilus on
> Dapper?

Dapper by default has browser mode. When I read your question I tried to
disable browser mode as above, and then had spatial mode.

The link is dated, but possible minor changes in Gnome ignored, the
spatial mode still works as described in the link.

Is this a fresh install of Dapper, or did you upgrade, possibly since
Hoary? Might have an impact.

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