Wine: MS Money 2004 + IE6

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Mon Jun 12 14:23:23 UTC 2006

On 6/12/06, Thiers Botelho <thiersb at> wrote:
> As a former (happy) user of Quicken 2000, about 3 years ago I was
> testing Fedora Core 1 and did some theoretical-only evaluation of
> GnuCash.
>         -
> At that time, through a lengthy discussion with one of the developers
> (which was another Derek BTW), I found that the only Quicken feature
> that I missed in GnuCash was some cross-referencing functionality on
> reports (I forgot what it was called). Other than that I found that GC
> was pretty much complete as an accounting tool (and also visually
> similar to Quicken - graphically-wise it is a very sophisticated
> piece).

AND don't forget GnuCash is readily available in the Ubuntu universe
repository. (Meaning it's not an officially supported package, but
it's easy to install.)

I personally have been "about to" transfer my data to GnuCash for
several years, but my Quicken files have continued working in MOL
(Mac-On-Linux) and I just haven't made the plunge. HOWEVER now that my
version of Quicken has been officially "EOL"ed (End Of Life) and the
financial tracking has been turned off, I really need to take the
plunge. Soon!

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