Totem and Codec

alvonsius albert alvonsius.albert at
Mon Jun 12 05:51:01 UTC 2006

On Monday 12 June 2006 12:11, Kenneth P. Turvey wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 05:03:06 +0100, erik1397 wrote:
> > is this a joke or not?  why then would you post in the ubuntu users
> > mailing list forum?
> Because I'm trying to view an avi file under Ubuntu.  Did I not make this
> clear?
> > if it's not a joke, then did you try al of the restricted formats?
> >
> I have w32codecs already installed (the only thing on that page that seems
> relevant).  Do the codecs supported by this change?  I can't imagine that
> this will solve the problem since my wife's Windows box cannot view this
> file either.
> Maybe I'm reading more into your message than you intended...  did you
> really intend to come off as a smart ass?
> The question I asked was fairly clear and applies to an Ubuntu desktop.
> If you really can't help why did you respond at all?

Okay okay relax everybody :D

Humm, sorry if I must ask another question, what is the Totem's error message? 
And do you have any problem with the previous episode of the film (as I 
notice it was the 12th episode). Maybe the file was corrupt or broken?

If you're using Dapper and xine, have you installed libxine-extracodecs (it's 
on universe repository I think) ?

Last one, try using MPlayer :p

Alvonsius Albert N
Programmer/Web Developer
PT Gamatechno Indonesia

"Do whatever you like, but remember to take care all the responsibilities" 

Currently Blog at

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