Dapper is LESS stable than Breezy.

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Sun Jun 11 13:23:18 UTC 2006

On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 22:42:56 +1000
Matthew Davidson <mjd at almatech.net.au> wrote:

> "Do a fresh install", "create a new user", and "delete ~/.g*" are not 
> satisfactory answers to this problem. Particularly in the case of 
> "enterprise" upgrades to the next LTS release, I don't think having 
> every user in a large organisation suddenly losing their desktop 
> preferences (or for that matter their bookmarks, address books, mail, 
> etc.) one morning is acceptable.

I absolutely agree. Moving/deleting ~/.g* and company might help to find
where the problems lie, however, giving the developers a chance to roll
out a fix in the updates - assuming that people report the results to the


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