vmware deb

paul cooke paul.cooke100 at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Jun 11 08:11:23 UTC 2006

On Saturday 10 June 2006 19:13, Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 14:04 -0400, Paul Kaplan wrote:
> > I'm using the full version of 5.5.1 workstation
> Does the installation process involve a "make install"? If so, you
> should look into the package checkinstall. You'd call it as
> "checkinstall make install", and it would record where the files would
> be installed, and create a deb that does exactly this.

how does that cope when you get a kernel change? cos vmWare basically has to 
be "reinstalled" whenever you change the kernel. A deb would just be a 
pre-compiled form of vmware and you would have to go to the trouble of  
making a fresh deb and installing it when there's a kernel upgrade. 

That's fine when you're a sys-admin responsible for several installations and 
you're running a local repository for all your installations to upgrade 
against, but for the average home or SoHo user, it's too much hassle... it's 
far easier to just run the vmware script that it asks you to run after any 
updates that break it.

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