Dapper is LESS stable than Breezy.

Mehdi Hassanpour mehdi.public at gmail.com
Sun Jun 11 04:55:46 UTC 2006

Dapper is more lighter than Breezy

But I think Ubuntu will have more unstable days step by step it goes far
from Debain...

On 6/11/06, Harold Johnson <harold.johnson at gmail.com> wrote:
> That's how it seems to go with all the upgrades; some things work better,
> other things seem to "break" -- though both of these depend on your
> perspective, in many cases.  For example, networking is not automatically
> set up by Dapper on my PowerBook G3 anymore, whereas it worked right after
> installation with Breezy.  There's a reason for this, I'm sure -- though I'm
> not aware of what it is now -- and for some folks, this may be a good
> thing.  For me, it makes it a hassle for me to install Dapper.  Still, I'm
> trying...
> Harold J. Johnson
> http://somethingthathappened.com
> On 6/10/06, Robert Aldridge < bamarob55 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I just upgraded my laptop from Breezy to Dapper a couple of days ago.  I
> haven't seen any stability issues yet (knock on wood :-)).  Dapper is the
> first distro I've tried that I can use my USB scanner with.  Others have
> recognized it, but it never worked.  Also, hibernate works as expected for
> the first time.  Still haven't tried suspend.  I've never been able to get X
> to come back properly after a suspend.  It'll be interesting to see if
> suspend works now.  Firefox seems to render pages faster now and the fonts
> look better.
> I'm sorry that others aren't having good luck with Dapper, but it's
> working great for me.
> Robert
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Yours Sincerely, Mehdi Hassanpour
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