Wine: MS Money 2004 + IE6

Ylan Segal ylan.segal at
Thu Jun 8 12:39:32 UTC 2006

Yesterday I tried installing MS Money 2004 Deluxe on Dapper (fresh new
install). I encountered some problems.

After I installed wine and read the docs, I ran the Money 2004 setup.exe
in the cdrom (through wine) and the installer starts. Soon after it
stops with a message saying that Internet Explorer could not be
installed and to install it manually from the folder in the cdrom. So I
try to do that (wine ie6setup). No dice. It fails with a message saying
that IE could not be installed. So, I figure that I would try the latest
version of wine and use the instruction on their website to install for
Ubuntu (simple steps) and upgrade to wine 0.9.14. Tried all the steps
above, but still same results.

So, I figure that before I can install Money 2004 I need to Install IE6.
I tried to do that by following instructions on the wine website where
several options available:
- winetools: Fails to create basic system
- manual install: ie6 setup downloads the files from Microsoft, but
cannot install them
- ie4linux: installs everything and runs ie, however the gui is not all
there, plus it installs in a non-standard directory and the MS Money
2004 setup doesn't find the explorer, so it doesn't work for me.

I tried everything I could think of, twice and got nowhere. Has anybody
been able to install Money 2004 in Dapper? I appreciate the help, it is
a critical app for me.


"The universe is not required to be in
perfect harmony with human ambition"
~ Carl Sagan

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