Dapper : no connection to the internet

Harold Johnson harold.johnson at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 03:31:30 UTC 2006

Thank you, Chris.  I'll try these steps the next time I install Dapper.
(Currently I'm testing OpenDarwin.)  It's strange that it didn't recognize
my Ethernet, however -- earlier version of Ubuntu found it just fine, and I
just installed OS 9 to confirm the Ethernet is still working.  (It worked
fine under OS 9.)


On 6/7/06, Christofer C. Bell <christofer.c.bell at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6/5/06, Harold Johnson <harold.johnson at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm having the same problem after installing Ubuntu Server (Dapper) on
> my
> > PowerBook G3; during installation, Dapper couldn't seem to find my
> Ethernet.
> >  As a result, it's not configured for the 'Net.
> >
> > How can we configure for the 'Net?
> Dapper does not prompt for networking information during the
> installation, I've found, leaving the network unconfigured.  This is
> problematic for the target audience of the software who are probably
> going to be left lost at this point.
> My Ethernet was detected just fine, however no network was configured
> as the machine does not sit on a DHCP enabled network.  You can
> configure your IP address and whatnot using the file
> /etc/network/interfaces.  You'll want to change the entry that reads:
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> To read something like this:
> iface eth0 inet static
>         address
>         netmask
>         gateway
> That's from my machine and your configuration may differ.  Also,
> you'll need to add nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf.  This file does
> not exist by default so it's safe to create it.  You'll want something
> like this in there:
> search domain1.com domain2.com
> nameserver
> nameserver
> nameserver
> Obviously, again, your configuration will differ, but you should have
> the idea.  Note that the search directive is entirely optional.  The
> nameserver directives (you must have at least one, and no more than
> three) are not.
> Good luck!
> --
> Chris
> "I trust the Democrats to take away my money, which I can afford.  I
> trust the Republicans to take away my freedom, which I cannot."
> --
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