Intel Due Core Processor

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Jun 7 21:21:10 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-06-07 at 06:02 +0100, gbelanger wrote:
> Okay, fixed!


> Turns out all I had to do is go in the BIOS and reset to default
> settings. 

Oh no! I wanted to be the one to tell you ;) Seriously, today the
thought popped into my mind. I was unsure however - I know that
multi-CPU systems have such BIOS settings, but having no dualcore
experience myself, I figured checking can't hurt

> However (!?) :
> 1. I never touched the bios settings before, its a new computer and
> 2. The bios on the Sony Viao SZ160 is extremely minimalist 

Weird - but you might have given the answer yourself in (2) - it's a NEW
SONY computer, of course it's crap ;)
Seriously, I know those Vaios are shiny, but giving money to the kings
of DRM and installing rootkits on customers' PCs: bad move

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