Latest Flash

Yorvik yorvik.ubunto at
Wed Jun 7 14:01:41 UTC 2006

Jaime Davila wrote:
> Chanchao wrote:
>> On Wed, 2006-06-07 at 18:20 +1000, Peter Garrett wrote:
>>> Plays fine here using the flash plugin, in firefox ( Shockwave 
>>> Flash 7.0r63 )
>>> I would purge any shockwave flash installations, and start again 
>>> with a clean slate - it *should* work as far as I can see.
>>> Incidentally, I installed flash using the Linux version on their 
>>> page
>> That one plays fine for me too, and I just used Synaptic to get 
>> whatever's in the repositories. (flash-plugin). Cheers, Chanchao
> I've been quietly reading this thread, since I have the same kind of 
> trouble. After trying some of the things suggested, I can view the 
> site above fine. But some others I can't.
> Could someone try this site, and tell me if it works for them? I 
> still get a "Flash player required" message.
> It's crucial ;-) that I get this to work. You know, with the world 
> cup starting in two days, and being at work while games are going 
> on... :-)

Just tried it and same thing as you, Flash 8 required.

I think this has already been mentioned, I've installed IE under wine
using to overcome this
sort of problem.

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