how to debug broken hibernate?

Jaime Davila jdavila at
Tue Jun 6 17:21:45 UTC 2006

Eric Hanchrow wrote:
> Hmm, I added the "resume" clause to the kopt line, ran update-grub,
> rebooted, and now hibernation seems to be working!  Thanks.
> Two minor whines, though:
> * It seems much slower than Windows XP (which I've also got installed
>   on this machine) -- both hibernation proper, and resuming, spend
>   perhaps a minute with the disk buzzing;

I haven't used windows in years (YEAH!), but in my system it also takes 
close to a minute, maybe less.

> * rather to my surprise, it didn't ask for a password when it resumed
>   -- it just plopped me back into my desktop.  Seems insecure.

You can change that with the gconf application.
gconf-editor -> apps -> gnome-power-manager. Then check the box for 
"lock on hibernate".

Well, that should work. I haven't tried it. But my default configuration 
was locking the screen on sleep, and I changed it there, and it doesn't 
lock now.


Jaime J. Davila
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Hampshire College
School of Cognitive Science
jdavila at hampshire dot edu

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