Canon .CR2 pictures to .jpg, all directory

Gerard Bendotti gbendotti at
Mon Jun 5 01:45:31 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-06-04 at 18:00 -0400, Brian Puccio wrote:
> On Jun 4, 2006, at 2:53 PM, Harijs Buss wrote:
> > How do I transform whole directory - hundreds of pictures - in  
> > Canon raw .CR2
> > format to .jpg compressed pictures?  I can transform each separate  
> > picture
> > e.g. using Gimp, but it would be too slow and time consuming to do  
> > this for
> > the whole directory (or many of them).
> Use ufraw, it has a batch mode and you can feed the batch mode  
> whatever settings you want (white balance, etc). You can even set up  
> a nautilus script to do it.

For this type of work I use dcraw, my camera is a 350D and the script I
use is a modified version of the one I found in a list somewhere...


    (while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    dcraw -c -w $1 | ppmtojpeg > `basename $1 CR2`jpg
    echo $1
    done) | zenity --progress --pulsate --text "Converting RAW files to

I placed the attached file in the 'MyUsr'/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts
folder so when I select the .CR2 files I want to convert it is a simple
right mouse click Scripts... RAW to jpeg

The main change I made to the script was CR2 instead of cr2.

Now what I want is a chromatic aberration filter (as per Adobe CS2) the
17-85mm lens can have appalling CA and and a "scratch" fixer a la Photo
Elements :)

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