[Dapper] nano dependency

Stephen R Laniel steve at laniels.org
Sun Jun 4 15:58:10 UTC 2006

On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 12:15:55AM +1000, Peter Garrett wrote:
> Not very big, is it? Why not just leave it there, and run

It's not a space issue, except inasmuch as I like to have a
lean, mean machine with only the things I want on it.

Why not make ubuntu-standard depend on a virtual package
like 'text-editor', which both nano and vim can provide,
just like firefox provides 'www-browser'? Then maybe make
nano the default text-editor.

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at laniels.org
Cell: +(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key
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