i give up...

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Sun Jun 4 09:51:16 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-06-04 at 08:00 +0300, Mats Holmberg wrote:
> And now, when adding the repositories where w32codecs can be found, 
> synaptic complains about authentication. 

I don't know why it isn't recommended more often: the Penguin Liberation
Front in France builds packages of the stuff that is restricted in US
and other countries. See http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf for
instructions and repository information.

Open System/Administration/Software Properties. On the tab Installation
Media, add the repository. On the tab Authentication, add the PLF's
verification key, you can get it from http://plf.zarb.org/plf.asc

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