Compiling/Using Ralink RT61
gabrielle harrison and Paul van den Bergen
gabpaul at
Sat Jun 3 11:52:52 UTC 2006
so, here's the question I've been mulling over... how do you tell what
chipset is in a device (short of dismantling and reading with a magnifying
glass in good light).
for example, lsusb returns 148f:2573
clearly an RT2500 series, and the windows CD includes both RT2500USB.inf
and RT73.inf, neither of which work, nor does winXP want to install - not
signed, apparently - so I'm not sure what to think...
On Thu, 01 Jun 2006 10:24:52 +1000, FXBOY4EVA <ulist at>
> Late reply but better than never here.
> Actually its more than likely the case that The Wireless Card in
> question, Like my Cnet CWP-854 (Which is also mentioned in the FSF list
> as using the rt2500 chipset) and many other similar cards DID use the
> rt2500 chipset, but most sutch cards (regardless of manufacturer) have
> seemingly undergone a hardware revision in recent months and now use
> the (Later) rt61 chipset, which hasn't been documented because
> obviously not everyone is going to run out and buy the same card (or so
> it says on the box) they already have 4 months later for hardware
> testing.
> This may have been due to feature differences in the chipsets , the
> rt61 may be cheaper, or perhaps Ralink are simply phasing out the
> rt2500, which is the case I cannot determine.
> Admittedly I'm new to Ubuntu and Linux in general but I do know
> hardware and how its manufactured, and changes like this are TYPICAL of
> most manufacturers of both chips and Cards (as is them not being
> bothered to mention it so that Linux users and developers can take it
> into account), I also found this out whilst trying to get my card
> working under breezy, which was nigh impossible, I now use Dapper which
> includes drivers for both. Whether they are a compile of Ralink's own
> recent GPL drivers or the latest beta of the Opensource rt2x00 driver
> (which has also promised rt61 support) I don't know either.
> I'm giving the Kubuntu Dapper Release Candidate a whirl at the moment
> and all is great apart from trying to use WPA (Which my home network
> uses), can't get a thing from the network manager and I DO have
> wpa_supplicant installed, pointers anyone ? I'd really rather not have
> to run round the house setting every other machine back to WEP
Dr Paul van den Bergen
Chance favours the prepared mind
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