VMware-VMplayer - creating the vmmon kernel module

ben ben at cvrse.com
Fri Jun 2 23:18:25 UTC 2006

On Saturday 03 June 2006 08:28, Adam D wrote:
> Matthew Nicholson wrote:
> > if your on dapper, vmware-player is in the repos, universe i think.
> > Adam D wrote:
> Ahhh, yes the only address markings in /etc/apt/sources are the standard
> commented and uncommented from the install of Dapper.  I have back-port and
> universe/multiverse enabled in the same line but the only vmware I find is
> one for xorg driver but no other kernel modules or the like.  Am I missing
> an extra address?

parts are in universe and the rest in multiverse. you'll need to add a 
separate line to the dapper-backports that reads

deb http://yourmirror/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse

apt-get update and install

ben <ben at cvrse.com>

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