Adivce on Partitions

Loïc Martin lomartin3 at
Thu Jun 1 21:10:18 UTC 2006

Ylan Segal a écrit :
> At this very moment, my computer at home is downloading the Dapper
> torrent, unattended (I hope). I am planning to install Dapper on my
> laptop computer (Sony Vaio) and want some advice on partitioning the
> system.
> My current thinking is that I want to create one partition for /home,
> one partition for my music files (/media ?), an appropriate swap
> partition and the rest of the drive as /.
> Questions:
> - Is my partitioning scheme rational? I just want to be able to
> reinstall the system in the future without that much hassle.
> - How do I partition the drive? I understand that during the
> installation I will get the option to create manual partitions (/home
> and /media in this case). Can the rest of the partitions by created
> automatically by the installer? Any info on the whole partitioning
> procedure is appreciated.
> - Is /media and appropriate place to store music files? Is there a more
> "standard" place?
> Thanks everyone,
An advice if you have the space : make a spare 4G (or better, 2) 
partition. That way you'll be able to try Edgy while it's developed, or 
try another Linux distro to compare, or try another OS, while keeping a 
stable Dapper (3 years of support for the desktop :) )

Always good to have (at least) 2 reliable OS on your machine. You're 
always production-ready whatever the mess you made playing with 
home-made hacks.

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