Adivce on Partitions

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at
Thu Jun 1 20:28:35 UTC 2006

The standard place to store media files would be in a folder in your
home directory called 'media' or 'music' or something, which you can
make a shared folder if you want.

I don't see any reason to have music on its own partition, putting it
on the /home partition seems fine.

Apart from that your partitioning scheme seems sensible, and
seperating /home from / will allow a no-hassle re-install. You have to
make sure you give the / partition plenty of space though, because if
it starts to fill up your system won't function as well.

When installing, you can either let the installer create partitions
for you (it will create a swap partition and a root partition, and
/home will be on the same partition as root) or do them all manually.
You will have to create the swap and / partitions as well as the /home
partition yourself in the partitioner. This is very easy though. Just
remember to make / plenty big enough and to mark it as bootable. The
installer will suggest a size for swap.

On 6/1/06, Ylan Segal <ylan.segal at> wrote:
> At this very moment, my computer at home is downloading the Dapper
> torrent, unattended (I hope). I am planning to install Dapper on my
> laptop computer (Sony Vaio) and want some advice on partitioning the
> system.
> My current thinking is that I want to create one partition for /home,
> one partition for my music files (/media ?), an appropriate swap
> partition and the rest of the drive as /.
> Questions:
> - Is my partitioning scheme rational? I just want to be able to
> reinstall the system in the future without that much hassle.
> - How do I partition the drive? I understand that during the
> installation I will get the option to create manual partitions (/home
> and /media in this case). Can the rest of the partitions by created
> automatically by the installer? Any info on the whole partitioning
> procedure is appreciated.
> - Is /media and appropriate place to store music files? Is there a more
> "standard" place?
> Thanks everyone,
> --
> Ylan
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> perfect harmony with human ambition"
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