Dapper upgrade questions...

Mario Splivalo mario.splivalo at mobart.hr
Thu Jun 1 13:17:39 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-06-01 at 12:12 +0200, nodata wrote:
> >> $ time for i in $(seq 1 100000); do echo -n $i; done
> >
> > This takes forever to start printing numbers. I reduced one zero from
> > above, and my timings are:
> It does take forever, but you get good numbers if you wait a bit :)

:) Yes :) The idea behind python script was to generate a lot of data to
be displayed in a terminal.

> >
> > xterm:
> > real    0m2.210s
> > user    0m1.172s
> > sys     0m0.031s
> > mario at mike:~$
> >
> > real    0m16.412s
> > user    0m3.212s
> > sys     0m0.039s
> > mario at mike:~$
> >
> > I'm running this on ThinkPadR52 with 1.7 Ghz Pentium-M.
> >
> > Funny thing also is that gnome-terminal 'dies' after running above
> > one-liner, I need to kill it, wich also leads to killing all active
> > gnome-terminals I have.
> Weird. Does it really die, or does it freeze for a while?

It freezes, actualy taking 100% processor, after few minutes I killalled
> > What version of gnome/gnome-terminal are you running on fc5?
> gnome-terminal-2.10.0-2

And more weired is that I use 2.12.

Mario Splivalo
mario.splivalo at mobart.hr

"I can do it quick, I can do it cheap, I can do it well. Pick any two."

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