How to add user and root password

國產 Wei-Yee Chan survivor at
Mon Jul 31 03:40:01 UTC 2006

Stephen Liu wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have "ubuntu-6.06-amd64" installed on a AMD64 PC.  It started without
> problem.  On the login screen it requested inputing USER and password. 
> During installation it did not request adding USER.  Besides please
> advise how to add root password.
> I can start runlevel 2/3 but without a root password I can't login. 
> Please help.  TIA
> B.R.
> SL

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: root password...[ubuntu 5.10 installation issues]
Date: 	Sun, 11 Dec 2005 19:10:15 +0000
From: 	David Hart <ubuntu at>
Reply-To: 	Ubuntu Help and User Discussions <ubuntu-users at>
To: 	ubuntu-users at
References: 	<Pine.LNX.4.61.0512111238370.2708 at localhost.localdomain>

Root is disabled.  The first user on the system (you, seeing as you
installed it) has root privs if you prefix any command with 'sudo'
(and then enter _your_ password when prompted).

If you really want to, you can enable root with 'sudo passwd root'.
But why not give it a go as it is and see if it works out for you
(at least until you've heard the arguments for and against).

I'd post a link that helps explain the the pros and cons but the
Ubuntu website is unavailable to me at the moment (connection refused).

David Hart <ubuntu at>

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