beagle update => no searching

Arjun Shankar arjunsha at
Sat Jul 29 18:47:39 UTC 2006

Every time after I upgrade beagle, for some reason, searching for
anything turns up no results. I then delete the ~/.beagle directory
and set up beagle indexing options again, and let beagle start from
scratch. This time however, I have left it untouched.
So right now, after upgrading (and restarting, just in case ;)), "ps
aux | grep beagle" shows me this:

spectre   4971  0.3 13.6  85244 30508 ?        Sl   00:05   0:02
beagled --debug /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --bg
spectre   5917  0.0  0.3   2732   792 pts/0    R+   00:14   0:00 grep beagle

which is normal.

But, like I said, searching for _anything_ turns up no results.
What can I do, except having to start indexing all over again?
Arjun Shankar

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