Syncing a Palm TX with Ubuntu Dapper LTS

aweller ulist at
Thu Jul 27 10:26:22 UTC 2006

Dear all,

I am having a similar problem to Dave's.

I have recently moved from SUSE (10.1) to Ubuntu (6.06 LTS). In SUSE I
never got my Palm TX to sync (~6 months); it seems to be a similar vein
in Ubuntu... It is so depressingly depressing!

I would really like my TX to sync with all things 'Evolution' (through
gnome-pilot - mail, calendar, etc). I have played with all the
suggestions found at: and on
the Ubuntu forums and *nothing*.

Has anyone, *ever*, got their Palm TX to completely sync with
gnome-pilot using a Palm Cradle? Any step-by-step commands would be
greatly appreciated. Without syncing, I feel that the money spent on my
TX is a complete waste (there's me thinking they are commited to open

Many thanks, Andy


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