Installing rpm package in Ubuntu 6.06
Aron Lopes Petrucci
aron at
Mon Jul 24 23:47:07 UTC 2006
Hi everyone,
I'm new in Linux. I had begin last week.
I'm not IT professional, I'm Engineer (Hydraulics), but I have some
experience in IBM-CP/CMS, XENIX, CPM-80, and o lot of experience in
Apple DOS, MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, 95, NT-4, 98, XP-Pro. 25 years at all.
I started with Debian 3.1r2, but I could not install LAMP enviroment in
it. I got only de "L".
Now, I'm using Ubuntu 6.06. I installed the "L" with Desktop CD (a great
success), and then, with synaptic and server CD I installed "AMP". So I
have a functional LAMP. It's Ok. The only thing that I made manually was
uncomment mysql.o line in php5.cnf: a piece of cake.
But, now, I'm trying to install MySQL GUI Query Browser, MySQL GUI
Admin, and Free Pascal "Lazarus". - I have a lot of hours in Delphi.
The problem: I have downloaded Lazarus and MySQL GUIs rpm packages
in /home/Software/Lazarus and /home/Software/MysqlGUI, then I use
synaptic menu: Files->add dowloaded packages (sorry, but my synaptic
menu is in portuguese, I don't know the exact command in English) and
browse to the location above. Then... the rpm packages are disable.
If I try a command line like rpm -i lazarus.... the rpm shows a lot of
missing libraries that I'm right that are in the system.
I think that Windows and the years let my brain slow!!
Can anybody help me???
Thankx in advance
Aron L. Petrucci
aron at
Londrina - PR
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