no "defrag" in Linux?

ubuntu at ubuntu at
Fri Jul 21 14:41:44 UTC 2006

ajgreeny wrote:
> Thanks Alexander, but the answer came into the forum while I was typing
> my reply so I didn't see it in time.  Actualy it would have been a
> little more helpful to give a bit more info than just the single word
> "tune2fs", which meant nothing to me until I looked further.
> Now I know, it's very useful, but please don't make assumptions that
> everyone is fully aware of all the terminal commands and utilities
> available to us.

Looking further is, in fact, the point.  I've taught more than one
sysadmin, and I found out long ago that telling a person only what the
command is, rather than the full command-line not only helps the person
learn, but they may also discover other options that might be greatly
beneficial that they otherwise would never have known about.

If I said `tune2fs -c 0 -i 0`, most people would simply cut & paste it
to the command-line and file it away under another arcane unix command
that they're never likely to remember again.

I think, perhaps, the most infuriating thing about learning Unix is not
knowing the name of a command.  Once you know the name of the command,
you can read its man page, look up the project on the net, or even
`--help`.  But if you don't have the command-line, trying to figure it
out can be an exercise in frustration.

So I gave you the command and now you have not only solved your problem,
but know about a really nifty tool to tweak your filesystem...

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