Crazy time behaviour on IBM Thinkcentre system.

John Macallister j.macallister1 at
Tue Jul 18 09:57:03 UTC 2006

Just after sending this message I realised that I should perhaps try the
686 kernel which I'm downloading right now ...



Name: John B. Macallister  E-mail: j.macallister1 at
Post: Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK
Phone: +44-1865-273388 (direct)  272200 (reception)  272400 (Fax)

> _____________________________________________ 
> From: 	John Macallister  
> Sent:	18 July 2006 10:53
> To:	'ubuntu-users at'
> Subject:	Crazy time behaviour on IBM Thinkcentre system.
> I've installed UBUNTU ( kernel 2.6.15-26-386 ) on an IBM Thinkcetre
> system (Intel P4 2.66GHz). After some time the system clock slows down
> and effectively stops settling down to a range of a few seconds i.e.
> the time moves backwards and forwards. Needless to say, any command
> that still works is excruciatlingly slow and most things just don't
> work. I've noticed that the problem occurs within 21 hours of a power
> up reboot.
> I've also separately (different disks) installed Debian, Scientific
> Linux and Windows on this same box. Debian and Scientific Linux
> display the same problem: Windows is OK.
> I conclude that there's a problem with the kernel and that perhaps
> it's only more recent kernels which have the problem.
> I wanted to obtain an older 2.6 kernel image or even a 2.4 image but
> don't see anything but the latest image with my setup.
> How do I get access to older kernel images (perhaps an additional
> entry in sources.list)?
> If this is a known problem is there a patched kernel available?
> Cheers,
>  John
> Name: John B. Macallister  E-mail: j.macallister1 at
> Post: Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, UK
> Phone: +44-1865-273388 (direct)  272200 (reception)  272400 (Fax)
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