10 GbE on T2000 running Ubuntu

James Gray james at grayonline.id.au
Tue Jul 18 06:04:41 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Srinivasan, Kamalavasan wrote:
> I recently installed Ubuntu on our T2000 server. I am unable to get the
> 10 GbE card working. I have installed the appropriate driver and I can
> see it installed when I do a /modinfo. /The link works fine when I boot
> into Solaris 10. When I boot Ubuntu I do an ?ifconfig? to bring up the
> interface with a static IP address. Though, the ?ifconfig interface?
> says the link is up I cannot ping another machine. I connected two
> machines back to back, so the link is not going through other
> intermediate routes.
> Have other users successfully configured the 10 GbE interface in T2000
> running Ubuntu?  Any help would be appreciated.

T2000 - nice kit :)

When you say you bring the interface up with "ifconfig" what exactly are
you entering?

Once the interface is up, what do your routing tables look like (netstat
- -rn)?  Do you have a default route set (man route)?  I've found Linux
wont define a default route for interfaces you define manually with
"ifconfig"; it will only route to the same network the interface is on
(assuming you specified the correct "netmask" to ifconfig).

The next port of call is the arp table - did you try flushing it after
taking the interface up and down (man arp)?  Maybe you're being hit with
a stale/corrupt arp table.

Just some random thoughts :)


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