multiple hard drives
aradsky at
Tue Jul 18 01:31:13 UTC 2006
Bruce wrote:
> Greetings,
> I need help installing my 2nd and 3rd hard drives. This is on a new
> system and I have installed Ubuntu 6.06 Desktop for Athlon 64. My
> first hard drive formatted and accepted the operating system. All
> seems ok with it.
> The install didn't seem to give me an opportunity to format and mount
> the 2nd and 3rd drives. I can't say for sure that it wasn't there,
> but if it was I missed it.
> With ls I found:
> * /dev/hda (my system disk)
> * /dev/hdb (/media/cdrom0 per /etc/fstab)
> * /dev/hdc (my 2nd drive?)
> * /dev/hdd (my 3rd drive?)
> Ubuntu 6.06 Desktop has the menu selection System --> Administration
> --> Disks. This saw /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd but stated that they do not
> have known partitions. So far this seems reasonable.
> I wasn't able to google an exact hit on setting up the extra hard
> drives under Ubuntu, but fdisk did come up a lot. Thus sudo fdisk
> /dev/hdc allowed me to set up a partition. The partition showed up as
> /dev/hdc3. I'm new to the internals of Linux, but having the
> partitionless disk and the partitioned disk both show up in /dev with
> similar names seemed a little odd.
> So far I seem to be making progress (as far as I know). Now here is
> the problem. Disk Manager lets me set an "access path" ( I assume
> that this is a "mount point"). Disk Manager also has a format
> button. Clicking on format causes a progress bar to post with the
> initial display being about half done. The display sits there for a
> couple of minutes without the progress bar being updated. Then the
> progress bar goes away and I assume that the format is done. At this
> point Disk Manager lists the free space as "232.88 GB (Free space not
> available)". I was hoping after spending all this time and money that
> the free space would be available.
> To /etc/fstab I added:
> /dev/hdc3 /mnt/hdc3 ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 (copied
> from another entry)
> The situtation is even more confusing for me. If I do a cd /mnt/hdc3
> and do a sudo nano x.txt I am able to write to /mnt/hdc3/x.txt.
> Disk Manager still states that the free space is not available. Yes,
> I tried changing the ownership of /dev/hdc3 to the same user that was
> invoking disk manager (shouldn't be necessary since Disk Manager asked
> for a root password).
> Thus, my questions are:
> 1) Is my approach good or am I off in left field?
> 2) Any suggestions and/or corrections?
> 3) Is my x.txt actually going to my 1st hard drive or my 2nd hard drive?
> 4) Is it correct to have /dev/hdc and /dev/hdc3 in the same directory
> correct?
> 5) As far as I know my extra drives will mount under root and appear
> similar to /dev/hdc3. If I do a df or du at root will I see one drive
> or both?
> 6) Is there a good tutorial out there on using multiple hard drives on
> a single system?
> 7) How do I mount or export the drives so other machines on the
> network can see them?
> Thank you,
> Bruce
I highly recommend the free partition manager by Ranish . Just google
search for Ranish.
Use f5 to select the hard drives.
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