Postfix/Network config out of the box - was: Re: Please participate in the Ubuntu Popularity Contest !

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Mon Jul 17 13:54:00 UTC 2006

On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:02:00 -0500 "Christofer C. Bell" 
<christofer.c.bell at> wrote:
>On 7/17/06, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> It should be (and defaults to) the name of the box you give during the 
>> routine.
>What I had in my configuration following a stock install of Desktop
>was the following:
>* In /etc/hosts
> localhost circe
> circe
>(And then a listing of IPv6 addresses)
This is not Postfix specific, but I think worthy of investigation.

>* In /etc/postfix/
>myhostname = localhost
This is what needs to be edited.  IIRC, there are options when you install 
Postfix.  This may affect how this gets set.  I think if you'd just changed 
this and perhaps /etc/mailname you'd have been fine.  From a Postfix 
perspective, I don't think the hosts/hostname changes affect things.

>* In /etc/hostname
>The Desktop install does not allow one to set the FQDN of the machine.
> If you enter a dotted name in the hostname configuration of the
>installer, it gives you an error and tells you that it can only be a
>single word.

That is AFAIK the way it is supposed to be.  Hostname is the name of the 
machine and not the FQDN.

>If the Networking control panel is used to modify /etc/hosts, the the
>entry for will end up looking either like this:
> localhost.localdomain localhost circe
>(If the FQDN does not exist in /etc/hostname)
>Or this:
> localhost.localdomain
>(If the FQDN is set correctly in /etc/hostname)
>I can't explain the differences that you see other than the knowledge
>that the server installation routine uses the older text based
>installer while the Desktop one uses the new graphical Ubiquity
>installer.  Perhaps there are some differences in how these two
>installers localize the machine during installation.
Yes.  I think this is worth investigating.

>Can some other folks that have installed Ubuntu off the Desktop CD
>relate their experiences with installing postfix, please?
I think your /etc/hosts issue is independent of your Postfix issue.

Scott K

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