How create source DVD-ROM with my APT Cache

email.listen at email.listen at
Sat Jul 15 21:24:23 UTC 2006

Am Sat, 15. July 2006 22:59 schrieb José Paulo Matafome Oleiro:
> Hi there, anyone knows how I can create one DVD with my packages that
> I've downloaded using apt-get, to a DVD so I can install them on other
> computer not connected to the Internet.
> Thanks for your unvaluable help.
I'm using apt-mirror for having an mirror on an USB-Drive.
This drive is quite easy to use for e.g. a laptop to set op a installation 
server. So I'm able to install Debian/Ubuntu when I'm 'on the road'

May be this will be a solution for you too?

Using an external harddrive which has an ethernet port would be the 'deluxe' 
solution for setting up a mirror. You even don't need a laptop anymore.
But this is not a cheap solution, but one of the best ones.


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