WPA in 6.06 LTS - HowTO

Alexander Skwar listen at alexander.skwar.name
Fri Jul 14 17:34:02 UTC 2006

· Mathew Fernando <mathew110866 at yahoo.com.au>:

> Hi Group,
> Can someone explain how to get the WPA in Ubunti 6.06 LTS?

The easiest way is to install network-manager and network-manager-gnome.
Then empty the file /etc/network/interfaces and restart X (or reboot).
After that, nm will be used and this works *extremely* well (at least
on my machine).

> On my home setup, there is no wired setup, I have only wireless with WPA and I need to get this up with Ubuntu.

BTW: Your lines are too long. Please try to keep it below ~70 characters
for normal text.


Alexander Skwar
"Das Schwein trägt seinen Namen nicht umsonst" - Stilblüten aus
Kinderaufsätzen: (Mythen, Dichtungen und Geschichten)

Der Hauptmann zog seinen Säbel und schoß den Angreifer nieder.

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