[OBORONA-SPAM] Ubuntu server package

Laura Conrad lconrad at laymusic.org
Fri Jul 14 14:19:39 UTC 2006

>>>>> "Christofer" == Christofer C Bell <christofer.c.bell at gmail.com> writes:

    Christofer> On 7/14/06, Laura Conrad <lconrad at laymusic.org> wrote:
    > I didn't keep track of how many updates, but I agree with that
    >> assessment.  The one that surprised me was that openssh-client
    >> was installed but not openssh-server, so that I couldn't ssh
    >> into the system out-of-the-box.  How do the developers use a
    >> server?

    Christofer> Laura, did you install off the Desktop or Server CD?

The Server CD.  I told it I wanted a LAMP server.  I in fact use the
box as both a server and a desktop, and I wasn't surprised I had to
add all the desktop stuff, but I would have expected a box called a
server would have an ssh server.

Laura (mailto:lconrad at laymusic.org , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097	fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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