Ubuntu server package

Johan Brannlund johan_brn at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 14 04:30:15 UTC 2006

On Thu, 13 Jul 2006 18:10:41 -0400, kent stand wrote:

> With that in mind, were you able to, or could someone else instruct me
> on how to, remove all of the 'standard' packages and replace them with
> the 'server' packages?

I'm not aware of any package that you can remove that'll directly do what
you want, but a trick you can use is to remove a library package belonging
to a category of programs you don't want and that'll take out a lot of

For instance, if you don't want any gnome/gtk programs on your
server, you can remove libgtk2.0-0 and the dependency handling will then
remove all gtk programs.



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