LTS 6.06 and long-term viability

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Thu Jul 13 15:12:52 UTC 2006

On 7/13/06, Collins Richey <crichey at> wrote:
> Beyond that, I'm still curious about the ongoing viability of LTS 6.06
> for modern peripherals.

Ubuntu 6.06 is going to look exactly the same in 3 years when it goes
EOL as it does today.  There is nothing special about a release being
LTS other than the support window is 36 rather than 18 months.  There
are still going to be new Ubuntu releases every 6 months.  The next
one planned is Ubuntu 6.10[1], Edgy Eft.

On another note, I'm not sure how a release that's less than a month
and a half old can already be "too ancient."  Your post doesn't shed
any light on what you mean by that.  What you say is "six week old
software is too old to use."  What you imply is "it won't receive
addition support for new hardware over the next 36 months" and that's
correct, it won't.

[1] It's anticipated to be released in October, but this date may
slip, causing a change in version number.


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