whats the deal with fire fox

Toby Kelsey toby_kelsey at ntlworld.com
Wed Jul 12 13:54:24 UTC 2006

Dick Davies wrote:
> I don't see any indication (in the ubuntu or mozilla bug) that CPU load is
> high. That means it's very unlikely to be a busy wait.

The OP showed firefox with 86% cpu use.  My initial post clearly describes '100%
cpu' use.  The bug comments talk about 'hanging', slow response and lags, and
pegging the cpu - all symptoms of high load.  For example, Aleksey Nogin writes
in his bug report:  "When Firefox freezes, CPU utilization goes to 100%, memory
utilization seems OK. "

So other bug reporters understand the problem is with cpu use, or perhaps they
are all spontaneously using "misleading phrases".

I don't think it's productive for me to respond any furthur to this thread.


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