PCI: multiple domains not supported

fhj52 ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Tue Jul 11 20:04:19 UTC 2006

That would be my bug report at MDK, now Mandriva.  There have been
updates to it.
There is also a bug report at Novell/SUSE where Greg K. was kind enough
to chime in and explain. Greg is the kernel PCI* maintainer.

The bottom line: ACPI segments, also known as PCI Multiple Domains, is
not supported by any x86 kernel.

The support patch was pulled from the testing/experimental branch(mm,
...) and AFAIK there is *zero* work being done on it.  Garzik,
apparently, does not have the time to work on his patch and there is no
The short of it is that the patch caused breakage on perfectly good big
iron boxes (IBM). ... we cannot break IBM Linux boxes. ...

The real problem here is that turning ACPI off on SMP boxes is not a
good thing so until there is a volunteer, or several volunteers, that
have enough kernel hacking knowledge as well as PCI knowledge to
implement a workable solution, the distro has to modify kernel
parameters to (as I understand it) hard code one PCI domain when the
kernel is built.  
Again, as I understand it, that is what CentOS(read: RHEL) and SUSE 10
& 10.1 do. The kernel spits-out the "PCI Multiple Domains are not
supported" error and some parts of the system are not
accessible(notably those in other domains, e.g., PCIX slots here) but
it otherwise works AOK and ACPI is functioning normally(with one

I am here looking to see if anyone has had luck with Dapper Drake who
also have multiple PCI domains on their box.  
I am downloading it at the moment to give it a shot but based on this
thread it does not look promising.

The sad part, really, is that MS Windows has been supporting multiple
domains since at least 1999. I have not installed NT4 but Win2k(NT5)
works just as normal(which obviously I do not like since I have been
using Linux since ~ 1999).

On the bright side is that Ubuntu is now apparently installing SMP
kernel for SMP boxes. The bug report #'7507'
(https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7507), now '13852'
(http://tinyurl.com/fdpaq), (from over a year ago) got a definitive
answer.  ... Hence, why I am downloading it & hoping that Ubuntu Dapper
Drake will install without messing with acpi = off noapic stuff.  



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