Ubuntu a poor choice for servers

David Abrahams dave at boost-consulting.com
Mon Jul 10 05:42:07 UTC 2006

"Adriano Varoli Piazza" <moranar at gmail.com> writes:

> 2006/7/10, David Abrahams <dave at boost-consulting.com>:
>> Well, sorry if the subject seems troll-ish, but I thought it would
>> probably get the attention of someone who counts.  I really want to
>> use Ubuntu, but as of now, I'm installing Fedora...
> Sorry if the answer seems trite, 


> but since you do give positive criticism, did you post the bugs in
> launchpad?


> You seem to have gone over this carefully.

I reported the LVM-only bugs for Breezy (probably not in the right place),
and the person responsible actually got back to me.

Unfortunately, doing a proper bug report for the LVM-over-softraid
would mean blowing away my Fedora installation -- which is now running
LVM over dmraid **out of the box**.  Or I suppose I could try it on an
old laptop that sits idle.  But honestly, I don't think you can miss
the problems.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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