Cupsys problem with latest update

use_real_email_ulist at use_real_email_ulist at
Sat Jul 8 19:30:19 UTC 2006

btw... which is your configuration ? we might want to add a bug-report.

I honestely do not have investigated the problem further.

Nothing in dmesg and /etc/init.d/cupsys start command generates the
error #1 like you have described.

btw... I reverted to 1.2.0 following the procedures bellow. It might
have better ways to do that but that has worked fine for me:

launch the "Synaptic Package Manager" 

uninstall cupsys (get hid of 1.2.1)


Settings->Preferences->Distribution and select

"Prefer Versions from" and "Dapper"

install cupsys (you will get 1.2.0)

After installing cupsys 1.2.0 select
"Settings->Preferences->Distribution" back to "always prefer the
higherst version".

Do not accept new updates for cupsys if it is working fine for you.

good luck,



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