pysol sound problem

Laura Conrad lconrad at
Sat Jul 8 13:47:22 UTC 2006

I have been having really good experiences with ubuntu on my laptop,
so when my clunky old desktop died last week, I installed ubuntu on my
shiny new desktop, that should be several times as fast as the old

The install went very smoothly, but there's one thing that really
doesn't work as well as  the old Debian unstable installation on the
slower computer did.

When I start pysol, with the sound enabled, everything works as
expected, but then if I minimize it and work for a few hours and try
to run pysol again, the sound is badly out of sync.  I'll play for a
minute or so, and then suddenly start hearing a battery of card-moving
noises all at once.  Or minimize the window again and hear random
card-moving noises while I'm doing something else.  

The version of pysol (4.82.1-4) is the same on the ubuntu dapper
install as it was on the debian unstable.  

Obviously, this isn't in and of itself a serious problem, but if it
indicates a memory leak in ubuntu python, or a bad buffering problem
in alsa sound in general, it will be.  I haven't yet started running
my production python programs, and my use of timidity hasn't shown up
any sound problems, but it's a really odd problem.  I was able to run
pysol with the sound effects not only on my most recent clunky old
box, but on the one before that dating from 1996.

Laura (mailto:lconrad at , )
(617) 661-8097	fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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