vmware palyer hangs upon startup

use_real_email_ulist at ohiggins.ubuntu.com use_real_email_ulist at ohiggins.ubuntu.com
Fri Jul 7 11:03:33 UTC 2006

yeah, i have the exact same problem, it hangs whether i just start the
program, or if i right click on the .vmx file and click open with
vmware player.

couldn't figure out what was wrong with it so i reinstalled it.. but
i'm still getting the same result with both ways of starting it.

i tried running it in terminal and it also just hangs there when the
directory dialog pops up upon launching.

it used to produce .log files before when i was using ubunto 5.10 but
since the upgrade (through the automatic update notification thingie)
it had been just hanging, and i guess that's why stopped producing log

what shall i do?

i still have my old .vmx file with my windows xp and bunch of
applications installed in it.


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