
Dave Carrigan dave at rudedog.org
Fri Jul 7 16:18:12 UTC 2006

On Thursday 06 July 2006 15:28, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I installed VMWare on Dapper via the instructions at:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMWarePlayerAndWindowsHOWTO
> Now, these three things elude me:
> 1) How do I connect the Windows installation in VMWare to the internet?

When you run vmware-config.pl as part of the setup, it asks you to configure 
networking. If you follow the default answers you will configure vmnet0 as 
bridged networking. In the virtual machine settings (VM->Settings), you 
should have an ethernet1 device that is bridged. Windows will see a PCNet 
ethernet card which you can configure like any other network interface on 
your network (DHCP, static IP, or whatever you prefer).

> 2) How do I connect USB devices to Windows?

First make sure that you've got a USB controller added to your VM 
configuration (VM->Settings). Also make sure that when you plug a USB device 
into the host that udev or hotplug doesn't automatically load the driver for 
the device, or VMWare won't be able to claim it. If you have to, you can 
rmmod the driver. Finally, go to VM->Removable Devices->USB Devices, and make 
sure the device you want to use in Windows is checked.

> 3) How do I read from CD in VMWare?

In VM->Settings, make sure you have a CDRom device configured. I use a 
physical drive with the Legacy emulation checkmark. Windows will see it as a 
normal cdrom. Also make sure it's connected under VM->Removable Devices.

Dave Carrigan
Seattle, WA, USA
dave at rudedog.org | http://www.rudedog.org/

Dave is currently listening to Johnny Cash - Life Goes On (The Sun Years)
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