
Ouattara Oumar Aziz wattazoum at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 08:05:18 UTC 2006

>> > 2) How do I connect USB devices to Windows?
>> I wonder too :-/file:///home/wattazoum/Desktop/usb.jpg

> Anybody? I need this for my Dell Axim.

I have tried to plug a USB flash disk on my windows guest in 
vmware-player running on both windows and Ubuntu host and it ran quite 
well. I noticed a button appearing on the vmware player window . When 
it's pressed vmware takes the control of your computer usb port ( The 
host system will not manage them anymore ), then you'll have at least an 
usb key detected by the guess. unpress the button to give the hand to 
the host system back.
Notice : on windows host when the button is just unpressed the key is 
recognize. on Ubuntu you need to unplug and replug it.

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