Complex hard drive partitioning
syiwabhairawa at
Thu Jul 6 07:05:43 UTC 2006
Ian Kabeary wrote:
> Hi there,
> I would like to install Ubuntu on my laptop (Satellite A70), (as the
> only other computer I have is an iMac and OS X is fine with me). The
> only thing is that I'll need to go into extended partitioning as this is
> what my scheme looks like now:
> ==100GB Hard drive==
> /dev/hda1 == WinXP == 20GB
> /dev/hda2 == boot // reiserfs == 2GB
> /dev/hda3 == swap == 4GB
> /dev/hda4 == reiserfs // gentoo linux == 72GB
> (Im at work so its all from memory, its very close though.)
> I _dont_ want to get rid of Gentoo because of Portage *Drools*, nor do I
> want to scrap Windows (Flash MX + Maple Story).
I am at almost the same situation with you, only that the other
partition are : Acer recovery, Windows XP, /boot, and Linux LVM
Since I need to separate /, /var, /home, swap, I need to use the LVM. I
found it Ubuntu cannot recognize the LVM created by Fedora Core or
CentOs. So ends up that i put Fedora Core on my Acer laptop.
Another case, I have the whole hard disk for Ubuntu, then I create
separate /,/var/home,swap, all primary partition. There is a bug on the
Ubuntu partitioning software I believe, where after creating the
partition and coming into the partition association screen (Which is
chosing which /dev/sdx to what mountpoint), sometimes I got only 2 or 3
drop down option, instead of 4, leaving one or two /dev/sdx unused.
My conclusion : the partitioning tools seems only works for all disks
Ubuntu, or all disk shared by Windows and Ubuntu "/ and swap" scenario
only. I am quite certain that may be another partitioning tools, may be
command line option or using other distro tools will solve my problem,
but I am no longer interested to use Ubuntu on that particular situation.
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