problems configuring HP printer

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Jul 5 18:14:06 UTC 2006

On 05/07/06, Felipe Figueiredo <philsf at> wrote:
> As I said, I had just bought the cartrige, sealed and original. I also worked
> fine on Windows. Anyway, the problem was really configuration.
> > Note that I'm using Kprint, as I've installed the KDE desktop. I think
> > that you can install Kprint and use it under Gnome. Might be worth a
> > shot.
> I too am using KDE. I posted it here anyway since it seemed non-KDE related
> (in fact, it looked was non-distribution related, as I compiled the whole
> driver package to its last version).
> So, the "problem" is, IMHO a bug in the driver: The Printout config only has
> options for "Color" and "Black" cartridge, but doesn't have the option to use
> both (does it make any sense?)
> If I choose not to use printout mode, and define quality, resolution and
> color-mode, I can choose to use both cartridges, which solves the "problem".
> The bug, as I would like to point out, is that this is not the default config
> (to use both cartridges). I really fail to see any sense in this.  I tested
> this both on the 1.6.6 version I compiled, and then back to the 0.9.7 from
> the repository, and both worked out perfectly.
> Maybe this is not distribution-related, but also maybe it could be
> distribution-corrected.
> regards
> FF

I would definetly file a bug.

Dotan Cohen

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