iPod / Amarok / Buffer I/O Issues

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at fjellstad.org
Wed Jul 5 16:16:02 UTC 2006

Ylan Segal <ylan.segal at gmail.com> writes:

> OK... so I get that I am using sudo too much for your liking and I can
> do most of the work without using sudo.

As a rule, you should only use root privileges when you have to.  Get
into that habit, and you won't break your system when you issue that one
command that would have broken your system if you had run as root.

>> Use fakeroot instead of sudo
> What is the difference here? Why is fakeroot better? As I said, I don't
> now much about kernel compilation and those instructions are just my
> compilation of what I found from other (maybe incorrect) sources.

>From the manual:
 fakeroot runs a command in an environment wherein it  appears  to  have
 root  privileges  for  file  manipulation.  This is useful for allowing
 users to create archives (tar, ar, .deb etc.) with files in  them  with
 root  permissions/ownership.   Without  fakeroot one would need to have
 root privileges to create the constituent files of  the  archives  with
 the  correct  permissions  and ownership, and then pack them up, or one
 would have to  construct  the  archives  directly,  without  using  the

Basically, it lets you create debian packages without having root
privileges (without the program itself noticing it).  Again, it's just
to keep you save.

Gettting into the habit of avoiding root until you have to, is part of
best practices when it comes to an unix environment.

John L. Fjellstad
web: http://www.fjellstad.org/          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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